Wednesday, October 31, 2012

DJ Paul reporting for duty.......

I know....I skipped a day.  I've been working my but off the past couple days, today being no exception, so I had to curb my wandering a bit.  The great news was that a staff meeting was cancelled and that opened up a two-hour block for me to capture some amazing pictures!  So how is life here right now?  Glad you asked... It is great!  My roommate is great and hopefully will get to Pole sometime over the next few day, which is where his job is located.  The food here is great as always, the temperature is nice and cold somewhere around -20, so really everything here is just about perfect.  I have to say that my favorite thing so far is the looks I get walking to the gym in shorts, sneakers, and a t-shirt....yes, Melissa, I know.....I'm a bit mental.  It is one of the reasons you love me though!  :) 

Nothing else really has been going on other than work for me.  Playtime is on the weekends really, but I did get some amazing photos.  I was walking between buildings earlier and the sun and sky were just perfect.  Remember, this is where the sun is 24-hours a day right now, it just skips around you rather than actually rising and setting.

Some walks are just better than others.
This next photo is one of a few panoramic photos that I've been putting together.  These photos are of McMurdo Station and I think it turned out wonderful.  I plan to have it blown up and printed for my wall in fact when I get home.  This is one where you need to download it and zoom in to really get the full effect.

This is a mini-panoramic.  The mountains looked beautiful so I captured a few pictures and put them together. 
I posted this one the other day I think, but I cleaned it up a bit and did a better job matching the images this time I think.  Again, download and zoom.

Yes, it's a mountain.  Actually it's an island, but it has a permanent ice shelf around it that's about 100 feet thick, so Mountain...Island......ehhh...

This is the Radio Station here at McMurdo Station.  Why take a picture of it you say??? *evil grin*  Because I am going to have a radio show sometime next week!  :)  Yes, anyone can sign up for a block of time to play music, talk, or both!  They have the most amazing vinyl and CD library that I have ever seen!  So how could I pass up this opportunity?!?! 

This is my happy place.....The Coffee House!!!!!!!!!


  1. Hopefully you don't give up your day job to become a DJ. How far does the radio waves reach?

    1. I don't intend to, but it will be fun hour or so!! This is broadcast and rebroadcast all over the continent and on the three information TV channels for our stations down here. Only on-continent though. I'm hoping they have some recording equipment so I can at least capture a bit of it to laugh at later! :)

  2. They need to find a way to webcast it so we can all listen live. But keep those adventures and pictures coming because it sounds like you're having a once in a life time experience.
