Monday, October 29, 2012

Just Breathe....Gotta remember to breathe!

Every now and then when I'm home and not off traveling, Melissa looks at me and my heart skips a few beats and I lose my breath.  Well, I found myself standing in the middle of the snow and ice covered street staring at the mountains 70 miles away and the something similar happened.  I know everyone is tired of hearing me say how amazing it is here; hell, I'm tired of hearing me say it too!  There are times though that this place just grabs you and you're reminded exactly how alien and majestic it really is.  If you ever have the opportunity, this place must get on your bucket list.

One of the people who read this blog sent me an email and asked what a normal day is like.  Normal is relative I think, but normal for me looks something like this.  Up at 0400, 0415 I hit the Gerbil Gym (playful name for the treadmill, Stairmaster, and elliptical machines home) for about an hour.  0515'ish, I change and check my emails and hopefully catch Melissa on her computer to chat for a few minutes.  At 0530 I head to the mess hall to grab some breakfast.  The egg guy knows has my order memorized now, so this is fast.  At 0600 I'm on my computer answering emails and planning my day based on any overnight changes.  Meetings and work through the day (sorry, I don't like to comment on specifics there) with Lunch at about 1130.  At 1700 I head to the weight gym and workout until 1900.  I grab some Dinner and head back to my room to relax for a bit and chat with Melissa (there's a theme here....).  Then I relax until around 2200 when I go to bed.  This is the basic routine I've fallen into and it works for me.  Keep in mind that I'm not exactly the most social person and am perfectly happy keeping to myself.  What that means is that other folks run their days much differently.  Some hit the bar every night, or play cards, or play in one of the three pick-up bands, or... you get the idea.  This is a town, just like any other small town.  We're just in a very very very remote area. 

It was great to get a question, even on something simple.  Please feel free to ask Science questions, life questions, etc.  If I don't know the answer, I definitely know all the key players here and will be happy to answer so long as it doesn't impact any existing research.

So the photos!  I know what you really come here for!!!  My crappy photography :)

I've noticed something with any of my photos.  The mountains look completely different to me standing here than they do on the camera.  I'm going to play with the depth quality to see if I can get close to what the eye sees.  you can download and zoom in on the photos to get a better idea, but I'm just not happy yet.  I really want you to see what I see. 

This is a panoramic I put together from several photos.
If you could see it with your eyes and not through a camera....
Why yes, that does say "Student Driver"
Melissa, I want one!  These are just too cool!! :)
McMurdo General Hospital.  Looks like a 1950's hospital because it is one!


  1. LOL it's a 'trank'! I love and miss you handsome. So happy that you are having this experience .... but hurry home soon will ya? I miss you. <3

  2. Now imagine what it had to be like for the first explorers there without all the creature comforts you're provided now? No electricity, only the food you could pack and take on the expedition, lots of walking. Better them than me that's for sure.

    But keep the pictures and postings coming.

    1. It is actually quite amazing. The Scott Hut is located here at McMurdo and I plan to visit it this Sunday. It is the place where one of the first people to reach the South Pole weathered the storm. It is amazing that they were able to construct a small house in this climate. There is a lot to the story though, I'll have to tell that one in a regular post with pictures!

  3. The "Trank" is still too cool....and I still want one. ;)
