Friday, October 26, 2012

Leaving for Antarctica

Here in Christchurch, New Zealand it is 0354 on Friday, October 26, 2012 (so if there are some major gaffs in my typing, deal with it).  Today I leave for McMurdo Station on Antarctica.  That means that at about 0600 I'll be at the departure center and then at 0900 I'll climb aboard a C-17 and make the 5.5 hour flight to McMurdo.  I've spent a little time last night packing and this morning repacking since I think I want different "stuff" for this mornings flight. 

So what have I been up to?!  Well the flight here was long and the total trip was about 40 hours from Home to Hotel, but nothing new there.  Yesterday (for me), was spent mostly getting my ECW (Extreme Cold Weather) gear and trying trading in items that are to large or small for new items.  Then the afternoon was spent in a very informative orientation.  Nothing get's the blood going like listening to a lecture when your body is telling you that it's the middle of the night, right??  :)  Enough said there.... 

Last night though I went out to dinner with my good friend Leighton and his wonderful wife Kathleen.  They are an absolute joy to see again and they are incredibly good company!  They picked me up from my hotel and we went to a little local pub for dinner.  The food was amazing and the atmosphere was buzzing with locals, which is of course the best kind of place when you're travelling!  When I bring Melissa out here in a few months, I will definitely be taking her there to enjoy some great local food and fun!

If all goes well, I should be posting pictures and the story around my flights later tonight, tomorrow for you lot.  Until then....... 

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