Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Coffee.  I thought about ending the posting right there and just putting the pictures below.  I figure that is "'nuff said" for any true coffee lover, like me.  However, I'm feeling a little loquacious tonight and want to talk on this blog for a bit before writing my beautiful Fiancée an email worthy of the acclaim Dostoevsky or  Shakespeare receive while showing how to proclaim love for someone in their musings.  So, about this coffee stuff!  There is a coffee house here!  Yes, I'm aware that I posted a picture of the sign previously, but I've been too busy to get into it to check out the offerings.  Well that ended tonight.  This is the cutest coffee shop I've been in.  This is an old storage building that was converted into a Coffee bar where you can hang out and drink some free coffee, lattes, get the idea...., and chill on a computer or write a note to someone special.  The coffee is free and if you bring your own wine, they have glasses.  The Barista's are all volunteer from those of us in the community (I'll be signing up for a shift soon in fact...) and only work for tips.  The Barista tonight was Lea (no real idea how to spell it, so phonetics it is), who is actually one of the emergency nurses at the McMurdo Medical facility.  I had two double latte's with some cinnamon on top and some great conversations with some fellow coffee lovers.  Was a very nice evening that actually felt relaxing for the first time while here.  Something nice about a hot drink, good music, and a bunch of people talking about something, anything, other than the election!!!

This is the Coffee House exterior.... :)

This is the Barista Bar!

The making of a McMurdo Latte in action... Can you tell I love coffee?????

The finished product.  Yes it looks like a Cappuccino, but hey, it was perfect!
From the bar to the internet area.

So tell me.  Can't you just smell the fresh brewed goodness that was poured into my cup!?!?!?  Oh, I have a slight caffeine buzz right now if you couldn't tell... :)  Hmmmm.....going to run around the building for a bit now....  OH!  My flight to the South Pole has been moved up to Friday (mine, your Thursday)!  So pictures and stories sooner if the C130 stops breaking down!!  Bye for now!  

1 comment:

  1. Eagerly looking forward to the pictures and story of your adventure to the pole.
