Monday, September 24, 2012

Calafate who?

My last day in Chile.  As I sit here in my hotel room waiting for my ride to the airport, I've been reflecting over the last few days and last night.  Before I get into last night, I must tell you about my money woes here in Chile.  I rarely carry cash, but in countries where cash is still preferred over credit cards, it is a must.  Chile is one of these countries, particularly in the remote areas.  The problem is that not a single ATM in this city will take my bank ATM card.  My bank is also confused since the requisite symbols are on the ATM's.  Fortunately, I've been able to buy peso's at a horrible rate with the American currency I'm carrying.  Note to self, exchange currency before heading back down here.

Yes, this little drink made of jet fuel and
the Clafate berry is extraordinary!
So dinner!  Five of us went to La Marmita; which mean The Pot or Saucepan or Stewpot, you get the idea.  This is an incredibly brightly colored building and the inside is just as colorful.  The restaurant was empty since we were eating dinner so early at 2030 (8:30 PM).  Seriously, this is early here, most restaurants don't even open until 2000.  This place didn't stay filling until almost 2200 (10PM).  What a great place though.  The staff are exceptional, prices great, and they have this frozen drink that uses the Calafate berry and alcohol that I think is derived from jet fuel.  It was spectacular!  The Calafate berry is a tundra berry indigenous to southern Argentina and Chile.  After consuming this wonderful concoction, I ordered my dinner and a Coke Light since I probably had enough alcohol in my system now to last a day or two.  Dinner itself was very good.  I ordered "Pork" for my main, not knowing what was actually going to come out.  The dish that came out was beautiful.  Looked almost like a German creation with the purple kraut and sausage.  It was very good and tender.  All the meals looked incredible and instantly put this place on my "must return to" list.

After dinner was a short walk home, did I mention before that it's windy here?  Seriously, this place makes the winds in Chicago feel like a gentle breeze.  Between the wind and cold and snow moving sideways, it is extraordinary that people can even walk around here.  One of the people with me told me that on some streets that actually put up rope to help people stay upright.  Folks, when it's that windy, stay inside!!  But it is too beautiful here to do that.  Next time I'm here I hope to be able to take in more scenery.  That will be at the end of November just before I get on a boat heading toward Palmer Station, Antarctica.  I'll be on the other side of the continent first though, so we'll see what that holds for me in a few weeks!

WAIT!!  Did I mention the bathrooms?!?!?!  I know, what could be so exciting about the bano's?  Well, nothing except how they show the difference between Men and Women.  I found this so funny that I had to share.  ;)


It really looks German or maybe even Ukrainian. 
I know there is a huge Croatian influence here, so perhaps that.

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