Sunday, September 23, 2012


Hmmm..I was in Australia about a week ago.  So why am i writing about it now?  Glad you asked.  Basically because I've been lazy and I'm now in Chile with some good stories and don't feel right not at least commenting on a wonderful trip to the land Down Under!  :)

Sydney was spectacular as always.  Is there a town I'd rather move to other than Sydney, no I don't think so right now.  I know some of you love other parts of the world, or maybe even where you're at, but Sydney is just fantastic.  The rhythm of the town coupled with some of the best food in the world makes it just perfect for me right now.  I stayed at a Holiday Inn right next to the harbour (if this works, there will be a picture from the rooftop below somewhere) and enjoyed walking around the city.  It was immensely beautiful int he Royal Garden (park for Americans) and the taxis and water taxis are easy to access and all take credit cards.  Ask Melissa about our trip to New Orleans, taxis taking a credit card is a must!  So other than work what did I do...well, I walked all over the city and enjoyed some great food.  After meeting with the Airport Staff at SYD, Mike drove Leighton and I to Harry's Cafe De Wheels.  This is THE place to get a meat pie in Sydney.  If you watch No Reservations, you've seen it, if you look at my pictures below, you'll see it again, but unless you've tasted it; you have no idea!!!  Curry Beef, Potato Mash, Mash Peas, and dark gravy.  Heaven.  My trainer at Fitness First might disagree, but ehh, it was truly amazing.  Keep in mind that this followed a long boring meeting (all meetings are long and boring by the way, doesn't matter the real amount of time spent) and I was hungry.  The night before Mike, Leighton, and I ate at a local pub/restaurant that was also quite good, but nothing beats street food.

After our glorious time enjoying meat pie's Leighton and I took a taxi to the local Casino.  Now, for those of you who know me, you know that I don't gamble.  I really think you stand a better chance at seeing a return on your money if you just throw it on the street rather than on a table or in a machine.  But! I have a person at work who collects casino chips so every place I'm at I get a few chips for him.  Seems to make him happy and gives me a chance to see another casino that looks like every other casino worldwide.  After getting my chips, Leighton and I decided to head back to the hotel, but since we were now at Darling Harbour, we took a water taxi back to the main Circular Quay Harbour.  These taxis are entirely too cool.  A boat riding through Sydney harbour.  What a great way to end a work day, really. 

The next day was Melbourne.  I have mixed feelings about this city.  One one hand, I had lunch at a small dirty little place down an alley in Chinatown called Sichuan House.  The food is authentic and wonderful, service outstanding, no English  and yes, sadly that actually makes me happy.  It was just fantastic.  Food you can't get anywhere in the states for some reason, only really can get it in the Sichuan Provence in China, unless you're in Melbourne.  Then you are set.  Other than that, Melbourne is a pretty plain city.  I walked the streets and enjoyed watching people but it isn't Sydney.  I will say that if you love tennis, the Australian Open is there I think in February, so it could be fun.  Me, I can't wait to head back to Sydney!

Aussie Water Taxi Dude

Sichuan House in Melbourne!  Yum

Leighton on the Water Taxi
YUM! Meat Pie!

Harry's!  A must try if ever visiting or returning to Sydney!

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