Sunday, July 29, 2012

The room and perhaps a rant even!

Really, it's a room...with a bed even!  :)  Nothing else I can really say about my hotel room that wouldn't cause me to drop this phone into the hot tub as I type.

So what about New Zealand!?! It is beautiful here.  It's mid-winter and about 5C (around 42F) outside.  Such a nice change from summer!  Really breaks it up.  I watched it snow in the mountains this morning in fact.  What a nice thing to see; really.  The people here are all very nice, all have great accents, but (at this hotel) can't cook to save their lives!  :)  If you know me, you know that I love good eats.  Doesn't matter where I am, I love good food, no matter how different.  I've come to the conclusion that the restaurant at this hotel has one purpose.  Take amazing ingredients and work their absolute hardest to pull all the flavor out leaving the food bland.  Now, I'll admit that I can't judge the whole culture here in NZ by this restaurant.  I can't wait to continue to try new foods and explore this great city! 

On a happier note though, I'm having dinner with some locals tonight at their home!  Leighton (friend from work) is having me over and he, like me, likes flavor!!!  *Key the Mad Money hallelujah music now!*  It's going to be about nine of us in fact, so should be a lot of fun.  Work tomorrow, but play tonight.

Tomorrow, we're taking a tour (guided by Leighton) around the city, Christchurch.  It is still a wreck from the major earthquake last year, but should be nice to see anyway. 
Okay, now off to the sauna!

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