Tuesday, July 31, 2012

February 22, 2011 - The day Christchurch changed forever

I was originally going to include some of the pictures below in another post, but it really wouldn't do it justice.  Christchurch, NZ averages thousands of minor earthquakes per year.  There have apparently been dozens since I arrived, however too minor to be felt.  On February 22, 2011, just over a year and a half ago; Christchurch was rocked with a massive 6.3 earthquake and several aftershocks that were almost as strong.  Luckily the death toll was minimal at around 185 people, however the city is destroyed.  In minutes this vibrant city was reduced to uninhabitable buildings that are still being torn down today.  It is hard to describe an uninhabited city to anyone who hasn't seen one before.  If you've ever seen an old World War II movie and seen footage of a city after it has been bombed out; that is what this place looks like.  These people are still in the process of recovering and rebuilding.  Just yesterday, in fact, the plan was released on exactly how they will rebuild the city.

I don't think there is anything else I can say that these pictures won't express.  I would only add that all of the building in the pictures below are still to be torn down.  This includes the building that look brand new, because they were last year.

Preparing for Antarctica

I don't think there is really anything I can say about this place without sounding all dewy eyed about how amazing the human spirit is wanting to go to the furthest places imaginable to study the unknown.  Sounds almost like a Star Trek intro really, but it's so true.  The amount of coordination to send our best and brightest to a gigantic frozen desert with ice over a mile thick to study a myriad of things is incredible.  On my tour of the facilities as we are preparing for our initial deployment cycle for this year (starting around August 16th) was very enlightening.  I saw how our staff and partners are working "for the science" and the continued success of this program.  The folks here in New Zealand supporting us are also equally amazing and competent.  Okay, enough of my gushing; let's walk through some pictures now!

First off we have the hanger used to stage materials and equipment for the C17's and C130's used to deploy our folks to Antarctica. 

USAP Hanger in Christchurch, NZ

 This next picture is the Clothing distribution center where the participants are issued their ECW (Extreme Cold Weather) gear.

Yes, we have our own terminal adjacent to the Christchurch International Airport (CHC).

Finally, This is a plaque that shows the crest of this mission known as Operation Deep Freeze.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Wine and Friends

I almost titled this "Wine and Friends and wine and wine and win..." you get the idea.  The picture is of a wonderful bottle of wine.  There were so many of those bottles, and bottles of New Zealand beer, and oh, there was food too!  Two huge lamb legs that were each bigger than Angus!  I should say that Angus is the dog; I added a picture of him below.

So there were 11 of us and the dinner party lasted from 1600 until around 2300.  "We Kiwi's love to entertain and drink!"  Offered Kerry as her poured more wine into my glass.  That happened a lot, people pouring more wine into my glass.  Usually, that's me topping of Melissa's glass all night, but last night was my turn. 

It's 0730 Monday morning here now and sadly a work day.  0600 came early, but today should be a lot of fun!  I might even get to see some of this beautiful country today!    

Sunday, July 29, 2012

The room and perhaps a rant even!

Really, it's a room...with a bed even!  :)  Nothing else I can really say about my hotel room that wouldn't cause me to drop this phone into the hot tub as I type.

So what about New Zealand!?! It is beautiful here.  It's mid-winter and about 5C (around 42F) outside.  Such a nice change from summer!  Really breaks it up.  I watched it snow in the mountains this morning in fact.  What a nice thing to see; really.  The people here are all very nice, all have great accents, but (at this hotel) can't cook to save their lives!  :)  If you know me, you know that I love good eats.  Doesn't matter where I am, I love good food, no matter how different.  I've come to the conclusion that the restaurant at this hotel has one purpose.  Take amazing ingredients and work their absolute hardest to pull all the flavor out leaving the food bland.  Now, I'll admit that I can't judge the whole culture here in NZ by this restaurant.  I can't wait to continue to try new foods and explore this great city! 

On a happier note though, I'm having dinner with some locals tonight at their home!  Leighton (friend from work) is having me over and he, like me, likes flavor!!!  *Key the Mad Money hallelujah music now!*  It's going to be about nine of us in fact, so should be a lot of fun.  Work tomorrow, but play tonight.

Tomorrow, we're taking a tour (guided by Leighton) around the city, Christchurch.  It is still a wreck from the major earthquake last year, but should be nice to see anyway. 
Okay, now off to the sauna!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

All Aboard!

What a day!  Well, the start of one anyway.  Really, it started at 0300 this morning.  Right now Catbert and I are waiting at Dulles for our flight to LAX. Then, after a bunch of meetings, we're off to New Zealand.....we arrive Saturday morning.  Grrr.  At least I get the day back when I return!  Although, what if the day I'm losing is a "bad day" that I don't want back!?!? Hmmm....I guess I'll just have to wait and see. Wow, I need some more coffee!  :)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Denver Highway

No sense in me trying to tell you which Highway.  I really have no idea.  I just follow the GPS in my rental and hope it gets Catbert and I there....wherever "there" is.  :)